
Australian Health Ministers Agreement a victory for patients and commonsense - AMA

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said today the agreement between the Federal, State and Territory Health Ministers to put health outcomes ahead of health funding is a victory for patients and commonsense.

At today's meeting in Melbourne, all Australian Health Ministers agreed that negotiations under Australian Health Care Agreements (AHCAs) for the period 2003-2008 'should focus on provision of best care and health outcomes regardless of jurisdictional boundaries'.

Dr Phelps said this agreement should put an end to the point scoring and bickering that has plagued Commonwealth/State health relations for years and which meant that patient care came a poor second to funding fights.

"This is a high point in Commonwealth/State cooperation on health policy," Dr Phelps said.

"The AMA has been pushing for an agreement like this for some time.

"Over the last couple of years, the NSW Health Minister, Craig Knowles, has involved doctors working at the coalface in developing solutions to problems in the State health system.

"It now looks like that consultative strategy will go national.

"It makes sense to involve all the major stakeholders - doctors, patients, bureaucrats and unions - in the process.

"All the Health Ministers are to be applauded for adopting this unprecedented cooperative approach to health.

"Their Joint Statement is both far-reaching and forward-looking.

"They have identified the key areas in most need of collaborative solutions, including public hospitals, indigenous health, rural health, mental health, quality and safety, research and new technology.

"The AMA looks forward to working closely with Federal Health Minister, Senator Kay Patterson, and her Department to make today's agreement a working reality.

"The priority is to see health funding match health need," Dr Phelps said.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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