
Australia Must Follow British Lead on Obesity - AMA

The AMA says the Australian Government must match Britain's determination to tackle its obesity crisis by adopting a national obesity strategy.

The British Government this week announced it would commit 372 million pounds over three years to a major cross-government strategy to fight the obesity epidemic in Britain.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said today that a similar national plan to combat obesity is needed in Australia.

"Like Britain, Australia is facing a growing obesity epidemic. The British Government has decided to launch an all-out attack on obesity. We must do the same," Dr Capolingua said.

"Food choices, physical activity, advice and support, and healthier communities all need to be part of the approach.

"It is essential that all Australian governments work together to help Australians get control of their weight and reduce the growing burden on our health system.

"But the leadership and impetus must come from the Federal Government."

The 2006 Access Economics report, Cost of Obesity, estimates that around 19 per cent of adult men and 22 per cent of adult women in Australia are obese.

The report puts the total financial cost of obesity in 2005 at $21 billion. This includes lost productivity, costs to the health system, carer costs, and the total burden of disease on the community.

"Health Minister, Nicola Roxon, has promised to make obesity a national health priority. But what we need to see is a well-resourced and multi-faceted national plan. Other countries are leading the way in this, and Australia shouldn't lag behind." Dr Capolingua said.

The AMA recommends that any national strategy to combat obesity should include:

  • active Government support for public health programs that inform, educate and support people around evidence-based good nutrition and exercise,
  • the participation of all segments of society in formal and informal physical activity,
  • the creation of a National Nutrition and Obesity Centre as a focus for research and information,
  • protection of children from the 'aggressive' advertising and marketing techniques that sustain pressure to adopt unhealthy patterns of consumption and activity,
  • immediate mandatory labelling of 'added' trans fats content in packaged foods, followed by the removal of added trans fats from food,
  • a commitment from the food and retail industry to develop new ways to present and market healthy, low processed, nutritious foods, and
  • Government subsidisation of the cost of basic nutritious foods in those parts of Australia where costs are consistently above the national average.

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