Media release

Anti-smoking package will save lives and improve health

AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today that the Government’s package of anti-smoking measures would save lives and improve the health of many Australians.

Dr Pesce said the AMA has been an advocate for higher taxes on tobacco for many years.

“It is well known that the price of tobacco products has a significant impact on demand,” Dr Pesce said.

“Increasing the tax on tobacco products will hopefully put tobacco further out of reach of children, and encourage people to quit smoking or deter them from taking it up.”

Dr Pesce said the AMA also supports the Government’s moves to restrict online advertising of tobacco products and increase spending on anti-smoking and public education campaigns.

“The combined effect of the higher taxes, the plain packaging, and the advertising restrictions should provide smokers with strong incentives to give up their dangerous habit.

“More importantly, it should stop younger Australians from taking up smoking.

“Smoking is one of Australia’s leading killers, and smoking-related illnesses cost the Australian economy and the health system billions of dollars each year.

“The AMA supports action to stop people smoking and programs that educate people, especially young people, about the disastrous health effects of smoking.

“People should know about the dangers of tobacco products, and enhanced anti-smoking campaigns will help spread the word.

“While it is sensible for the extra $5 billion from tobacco tax to go to the National Health and Hospitals Network Fund, the AMA would like to see a particular focus and greater targeted spending on prevention and treatment programs for smoking and smoking-related illnesses.”


29 April 2010

Geraldine Kurukchi   02 6270 5467
John Flannery   02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

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