Media release

Amateur boxers are no safer than professionals

The AMA today warned that amateur boxers are no safer from serious injury than professional boxers after a female boxer from Western Australia was knocked unconscious in an amateur bout in New Zealand on Saturday night.

The young woman remains in a coma in a Christchurch Hospital.

AMA Federal Vice-President, Dr Trevor Mudge, said boxing - amateur or professional - was 'little more than legalised manslaughter'.

"Athletes around the world are getting stronger and faster and, for boxing, this means far greater risks for competitors," Dr Mudge said.

"This latest incident shows that boxing in all its guises - amateur or professional, male or female - is dangerous and should be banned."

The AMA is seeking talks with Federal Sports Minister, Jackie Kelly, to discuss doctors' concerns about boxing.

CONTACT: Sarah Bucknell (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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