
AMA's 'BIGGEST-EVER' GP survey confirms doctor shortages in regional and outer-suburban Australia

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, today released an AMA GP Workforce survey, involving feedback from 7500 doctors, which confirms AMA fears of a serious and growing shortage of GPs in rural, remote and outer-suburban Australia.

The survey - An Analysis of the Widening gap between Community Need and the Availability of GP Services - was conducted for the AMA by Access Economics.

Dr Phelps said the survey is completely at odds with recent reports from the Australian Medical Workforce Advisory Committee (AMWAC), which suggested an overall surplus of GPs, and the Productivity Commission, which indicated a 4.3 per cent increase in the number of rural doctors.

"The AMA/Access survey confirms what everybody knows and few are prepared to admit, and that is GP numbers are low and getting lower in the areas where they are needed most - country towns and outlying suburbs, our areas of greatest health need," Dr Phelps said.

"This survey is compelling evidence of a worsening social and health problem, and should form the basis of a carefully considered policy response from Government.

"The difference between this survey and those of AMWAC and the Productivity Commission is that Access Economics has compiled evidence from the field - from doctors, patients and communities reeling from a persistent decline in medical services.

"Our regions and our outer suburbs deserve the same access to quality health and medical services as other Australians.

"The loss of medical services to these communities is at odds with the Australian ethos of fairness and social equity.

"It is time for strong health policy to address this issue - policy based on evidence and experience, not statistics and bureaucratic targets.

"The local GP has been a vital member of the community in Australian towns and suburbs for generations.

"We must ensure that future generations of Australians have the same access to the security and companionship of a local family doctor that we have enjoyed," Dr Phelps said.

During 2001, Access Economics sent a detailed questionnaire to roughly 20,000 practising GPs. The survey - available on the AMA web site - is based on 7500 responses, and is believed to be the biggest-ever comprehensive analytical survey of Australian GPs.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

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