Media release

AMA welcomes Senate Committee endorsement of the PSR scheme

The AMA is pleased that the Senate Community Affairs References Committee report, released yesterday, found that the Professional Services Review (PSR) scheme should proceed, particularly in light of recent improvements made to certain operational aspects of the scheme.

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that the AMA is a strong supporter of the PSR role as the final arbiter of clinical standards when there are concerns with the use of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule (PBS).

“The MBS and PBS provide Australians with affordable access to medical care and medicines,” Dr Hambleton said.

“It is important to the community and recognised by the medical profession that there should be sound audit and peer review arrangements to ensure that MBS and PBS benefits are paid appropriately.

“The principle of peer review is fundamental to the medical profession’s support of and trust in the PSR, and the Senate Committee’s report also recognises and endorses the importance of peer review to the PSR process.

“The Committee acknowledged the AMA’s contribution to improve the operations and processes of the PSR.

“The ‘Guidelines for the appointment of medical practitioners as Panel Members, Deputy-Directors and Consultants to PSR Matters’ and ‘Your Guide to the PSR Process’, which were produced by the PSR in consultation with the AMA, were singled out by the Committee as significant improvements to the PSR.

“The AMA advocated strongly for these documents to add transparency to the PSR process.

“Medical practitioners who are being reviewed by the PSR will now know fully what is involved in the process, and the documents will give them confidence that their matter is being handled properly.

“The Senate Committee report and additional comments from Coalition Senators support the changes that the AMA believes will allow the PSR to continue to operate in a professional and efficient manner,” Dr Hambleton said.


26 October 2011


CONTACT:     John Flannery               02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

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