Media release

AMA welcomes NHHRC final report

The AMA has congratulated the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission on its final report launched in Canberra today by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

AMA Federal President, Dr Andrew Pesce, commended the report saying it sets some ‘very, very’ ambitious targets.

“This is a comprehensive report from the NHHRC, 292 pages with 123 recommendations, so it will take some time to fully consider.
“But it is clear that it properly focuses on some critical areas in health.

“The AMA’s objective now is to ensure the emphasis on the needs of patients is reflected in the final policy.  In particular we want to make sure any extra funding goes to the bedside, the clinic and the surgery – not into more bureaucracy.

“I met with the Prime Minister this morning and he made it clear that he was committed to effective health reform.

“He also said he would be looking to the AMA for advice on how to deliver the best possible outcomes for patients.

“We discussed issues in today’s health system and he restated his desire to end ‘the blame game’ and outlined a reform process that includes a potential referendum to enable the Commonwealth’s health plan to be progressed if the states failed to agree on a way forward.

“The government is now committed to a fixed time frame – we expect them to deliver on these promises in the next six to twelve months,” Dr Pesce said.

The report backs the AMA’s long-held belief that Australia urgently needs more acute and sub-acute public hospital beds and better integrated and supported primary health care.

Dr Pesce said the AMA would consult its members, particularly those working in public hospitals, to ensure their concerns and advice were reflected in the final policy.

“Doctors and nurses working at the coalface must inform any final policy decision,” Dr Pesce said.

“We will also release our report on Australia’s public hospitals later in the year which will give the community an update of the system under this government.”

The AMA also welcomed the report’s focus on, and the Prime Minister’s clear commitment to, electronic health records. “This will improve efficiency and help save lives.”

CONTACT:  Kirk Coningham 0417 142 467

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