Media release

AMA welcomes new Health Minister

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that the AMA welcomes the appointment of Tanya Plibersek as Minister for Health.

Dr Hambleton said that Ms Plibersek’s Ministerial experience in Housing, Human Services, and the Status of Women, along with her commitment to social equity and social justice, makes her well equipped to take on the demands and challenges of the Health portfolio.

“The AMA looks forward to a close working relationship with the new Minister,” Dr Hambleton said.

“There is still a lot of work to do in bedding down the Government’s health reforms, and challenges remain in areas such as primary care, aged care, mental health and dental care.

“We will be seeking a meeting with the Minister at the earliest opportunity to discuss a range of issues including primary care reforms and the need to reverse the cuts to the Better Access mental health services available through general practice.”

Dr Hambleton said that Ms Plibersek takes on a portfolio that has been well served by Nicola Roxon since the 2007 election.

“The AMA acknowledges the significant contribution that Nicola Roxon has made to health reform,” Dr Hambleton said.

“Along with former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, Minister Roxon presided over what promised to be the biggest shake-up of the Australian health system since Medibank and Medicare.

“Minister Roxon established the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission, the Preventative Health Taskforce, and the Expert Reference Group on the National Primary Care Strategy.  She engaged in an extensive consultation process with the community and the health professions to test the Government’s proposed reforms.

“The momentum for ‘big picture’ reform stalled, however, after the 2010 election with a minority Labor Government and the election of Coalition Governments in several States.

“Ms Roxon will be remembered for, among other things, her pioneering work in achieving the tobacco plain packaging legislation, negotiating the COAG Health Agreement that will provide greater transparency and accountability on public hospital performance, increasing medical training places, increasing public hospital funding, establishing the Preventive Health Agency, establishing collaborative care arrangements, and setting new targets for hospital emergency departments and elective surgery.

“While Minister Roxon and the AMA did not always see eye to eye, she was always prepared for a lively and open discussion on health policy.

“Nicola Roxon was committed to health reform and worked tirelessly and passionately for what she believed in.  We wish her well in the next stage of her political career.

12 December 2011

CONTACT:         John Flannery                       02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                        Kirsty Waterford                    02 6270 5464 / 0427 209 753

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