Media release

AMA welcomes MBS item interpretation service

The AMA welcomes the decision of the Department of Human Services to introduce a Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item enquiry email service to assist doctors with complex interpretations in the use of MBS item numbers.

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that the service is something that the AMA has been pursuing for some time.

“There are situations when doctors in a busy practice require informed assistance about the interpretation and application of specific item numbers for specific treatments or patient conditions,” Dr Hambleton said.

“Doctors can now send queries to a dedicated email address and receive a rapid written response to specific questions about the correct MBS item for a particular medical service.

“The MBS is very complex and there are many grey areas.

“If questions are raised about interpretations of MBS items, doctors can now refer to the written advice they have received from the Department and ask for it to be considered should there be any investigations.

“The AMA congratulates the Department of Human Services for recognising and responding to the need for a mechanism to help doctors navigate the complexities of the MBS so that their patients can access the Medicare rebates they are entitled to.

“We are pleased that enquiries sent to this email address will be handled by a centralised specialist team, who are trained to respond to these often complex MBS interpretation questions.

“This will ensure there is consistency in the advice given to medical practitioners around the country,” Dr Hambleton said.

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9 March 2012

CONTACT:         John Flannery                       02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                       Kirsty Waterford                     02 6270 5464 / 0427 209 753

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