
AMA Welcomes Health Minister's Decision Not To Pursue Extra Medicare Powers

AMA Vice President, Dr Choong-Siew Yong, today acknowledged the good judgement of Health Minister, Tony Abbott, in not pursuing elements of the Health Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 that would have given the Minister unprecedented power in 'determining that Medicare benefits are not payable in respect of professional services rendered in specified circumstances'.

Dr Yong said the AMA agreed that there were a small number of instances around certain new medical procedures that warranted close attention but amending the legislation to grant the new powers was akin to using a sledgehammer to crack a small nut.

"The more serious concern to the AMA was the unintentional consequence of the amendment to give the Minister untrammelled power to make determinations about other procedures in the Medicare schedule," Dr Yong said.

"We are pleased that the Minister and his office have taken our concerns on board.

"The AMA will work closely with the Minister and the Health Department to ensure proper allocation and processing of new medical procedures under existing Medicare item numbers."

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