
AMA welcomes Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC)

AMA Federal Councillor and Youth Health Spokesman, Dr Bill Pring, said today the AMA welcomes the formation of the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC), the new peak body representing the non-government youth sector in Australia.

Dr Pring said AYAC will provide our young people with a strong voice in Canberra.

"The establishment of an overarching non-government national youth body was identified by the AMA as a youth health priority at the AMA National Youth Health Summit last year," Dr Pring said.

"AYAC is a wonderful initiative and deserves the support of the Federal Government through proper funding and dialogue.

"Young Australians once again have the means to get their messages to Government in a professional and coordinated way.

"Given the bleak picture of child health contained in the recent Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report - Australia's Children: Their Health and Wellbeing 2002 - AYAC has a lot of important work to do to ensure better health outcomes for young people.

"The rates of smoking, alcohol and drug use, mental disorders, obesity and diabetes in Australian children are still way too high.

"The AMA looks forward to working with AYAC to advance the National Youth Health Priorities that emerged from the AMA Youth Health Summit," Dr Pring said.

The Commonwealth Bank and the AMA Youth Health Advocate program has been working on many of the health issues facing AYAC for more than five years and will forward advice to AYAC. This will include the report - Adolescence: An Opportunity for Health - a blueprint for a long-term national bipartisan child and youth health policy.

CONTACT: Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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