
AMA Welcomes Application of Screening Exam for International Medical Graduates


The Australian Medical Association today welcomed the application of the screening exam for international medical graduates (IMGs) coming to work in Australia.

AMA Vice President, Dr Gary Speck, said the additional assessment will reassure Australians that they will continue to get the best possible medical care from these doctors.

"This compulsory screening program will assess the medical knowledge and skills of the IMG to ensure that they meet Australia's very high standards," he said.

From this week, State/Territory Medical Boards will require all IMGs applying to work in non-specialist positions to sit an AMC screening exam.

Overseas-trained specialists will be required to undergo assessment by the relevant Medical College. The exam will not be required for IMGs working in a College-approved training post.

The AMC has also worked with State/Territory Medical Boards to establish the Competent Authorities Pathway to assess doctors from countries with similar standards of training and assessment. (eg UK, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and the USA)

"Applying this screening exam is another building block in efforts to implement a nationally-consistent assessment framework for IMGs.

"It's good to see that the work the AMA has been doing behind the scenes is paying off," Dr Speck said.

Around 36 per cent of doctors practicing in Australia have graduated from an overseas medical school.

"IMGs are an essential part of looking after patients in Australia. Recently, there has been a focus on their role and nationally-consistent assessment processes need to be applied," he said.

Medical Boards, Health Departments and stakeholder groups like the AMA have been working to progressively improve the assessment and support arrangements for international medical graduates. Medical Boards have already adopted a common English language standard for all IMGs and moved to primary source verification of medical qualifications. All Medical Boards also agreed to new principles for the supervision of IMGs last year.

Over the coming months, more work will be done to improve assessment and support arrangements for IMGs. The AMC is working with State/Territory Medical Boards to develop accreditation guidelines for pre-employment structured clinical interviews and workplace-based assessment standards. The AMC has also developed standard principles for orientation that medical boards are now rolling out.


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