
AMA Voted Top Lobby Group by Federal Politicians

The AMA has been voted the top Canberra-based lobby group by Federal politicians.

The Committee Bulletin survey of Federal politicians, released today, shows that politicians rated the Federal AMA above the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, the Australian Industry Group (AIG) and the National Farmers' Federation in the top five.

Conducted by public affairs consultancy, Client Solutions, during May-June 2006, the survey attracted responses from 86 MPs and Senators across the political spectrum - an impressive 40 per cent response rate.

Significantly, support for the AMA was almost equal between male and female politicians and at a similar level from both the major parties, the Liberals and the ALP.

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said the survey result is testimony to the politically active grassroots membership of the AMA and the hard work and dedication of the AMA Federal Council, Executive, and Secretariat staff in Canberra.

"It is pleasing that all our efforts are noticed and respected by the politicians," Dr Haikerwal said.

"We put a lot of work into communicating the views of doctors and their patients to all the political parties, and we are constantly called on to pass judgement on the policies of the various parties - and we do not play favourites.

"Our non-partisan commentary on health policy is all about the issue, not the party or the individual politician.

"We praise the good policies and criticise the bad policies and we do it without fear or favour.

"This survey shows that the politicians expect and respect the truth. They want clear messages that will help them develop strong health policies that they can take back to their electorates.

"And that is one of the keys to the success of AMA lobbying - we personalise and localise complex health policies so they can be applied to the real life situations facing families in towns and suburbs right across the country," Dr Haikerwal said.

Dr Haikerwal commended the Committee Bulletin and Client Solutions on their survey - the 2006 Survey of Politicians' Lobbying Preferences.

"The survey is a comprehensive guide to effective lobbying strategies with advice coming direct from the people being lobbied - our Federal politicians."

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