Media release

AMA urges Government to introduce mandatory alcohol health warning labels

The AMA today urged the Government to adopt the alcohol health warning labels concept launched today by the Alcohol Education & Rehabilitation (AER) Foundation.

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that warning labels should be mandatory on alcohol products, especially as a deterrent to teenage drinking and drinking when pregnant.

“Health warning labels on alcohol must contain clear, strong messages about the negative health effects of excessive or irresponsible drinking,” Dr Hambleton said.

“They would be a valuable deterrent in critical areas such as teenage drinking and drinking when pregnant.

“The AMA contributed to the AER Foundation position statement, which carefully considers the issues and the evidence on labelling policy.

“The proposed labels are a model for governments to follow when introducing mandatory health warnings for alcohol products.

“The labels recently introduced voluntarily by the alcohol industry do not go far enough.

“They represent a soft approach on health labelling.

“Warning people, especially young people, about the potential harms of alcohol cannot be left in the hands of an industry motivated by increasing its sales and profits.”

Dr Hambleton said that health warning labels are just part of an overall strategy to deter underage teenage drinkers.

“Steps must be taken to stop young teenagers from picking up the bottle or the can in the first place. We need a ban on the marketing and advertising of alcohol to teenagers,” Dr Hambleton said.

“All alcohol advertising should include warnings about the negative health effects of excessive drinking. This includes all forms of alcohol promotion, including point-of-sale, packaging, naming and emerging media.

“A mandatory health labelling regime must be accompanied by a crackdown on alcohol manufacturers to stop them encouraging young people to purchase alcohol with sophisticated lifestyle advertising and clever marketing.”


16 August 2011

CONTACT:                        Geraldine Kurukchi                                  02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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