Media release

AMA supports WMA appeal for fair retrial for Bahraini doctors

The AMA supports the direct appeal by the World Medical Association (WMA) to the King of Bahrain to ensure a fair retrial for the doctors and other health professionals who have been convicted for treating people who were injured during recent civil unrest.

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that the AMA supports the WMA’s appeal to the King of Bahrain to protect medical personnel in the country.

“There are doctors and other health care workers who risk their own lives to help those living in areas of conflict and unrest,” Dr Hambleton said.

“Putting these medical personnel on trial for fulfilling their ethical duty to care for others is a threat to the universal right to health and health care.

“Where the safety of medical personnel is not adequately protected during times of conflict, many sick and wounded people simply do not receive the health care they need.

“We hope that the doctors and health care workers in Bahrain will receive a fair trial in a civilian court.

“The AMA will always champion the rights of doctors to fulfil their duty of care to people in conflict situations,” Dr Hambleton said.

17 October 2011

CONTACT: Geraldine Kurukchi 02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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