
AMA Supports National Day of Healing

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, said today that the AMA supports the decision of the National Sorry Day Committee to change the name of National Sorry Day to the National Day of Healing.

Dr Glasson said the AMA has supported National Sorry Day and its objectives since its inception in 1998 but understands the Committee's thinking behind the name change.

"By expanding the event to better inform the community and Governments about the shocking state of Indigenous health and education in 21st century Australia, and the widespread poverty in Indigenous communities, there is a greater chance that more Australians will support the allocation of greater funding and resources to fix the problems," Dr Glasson said.

"The goals of the National Day of Healing fit comfortably with AMA policy and advocacy to improve the health, quality of life and living conditions of Indigenous Australians.

"We hope the National Day of Healing will help educate all Australians about the enormous challenges and disadvantage faced by Indigenous Australians and energise Governments and individuals to lend a helping hand to their fellow Australians, many of whom live in Third World conditions," Dr Glasson said.

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