
AMA Supports ACCC Investigation Into Tobacco Product Description

AMA Vice President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today backed moves by the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC) to investigate dodgy product description in the tobacco industry.

Dr Haikerwal said the tobacco industry has been misleading consumers over so-called 'light', 'mild' and 'low tar' brands for too long.

"This behaviour has been nothing less than systematic consumer fraud at an unprecedented level," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Labelling cigarettes as 'light' and 'mild' offers smokers a false sense of security based on slick marketing and the misuse of words.

"Industry documents* have revealed that tobacco companies have long recognised that these products were as dangerous as regular cigarettes - but continued to push them as healthy alternatives.

"So many smokers are still smoking 'lights' conned into believing that 'light' means safer. 

"It does not. We know smokers who smoke 'light' cigarettes smoke more cigarettes to get the same level of toxic chemicals. These smokers also suck harder to get the same fix.

"It is unacceptable for tobacco companies to continue their delaying tactics.  They must be held accountable now.

"They must take action immediately to stop the use of 'mild' and 'light' or any similar words or descriptors that give the impression that these products are less harmful than conventional tobacco products.

"The use of 'lighter' colours in the packaging of certain products within a company's range is equally deceptive and should also be outlawed as part of the ACCC's proceedings," Dr Haikerwal said.

Dr Haikerwal today said the AMA believes that generic tobacco packaging could be an effective way to curb the deceptive practices of the tobacco manufacturers.

"This would also break the link in consumers' minds between images and specific brands - thus helping to decrease the burden of disease caused by smoking in our community.

"I urge all political parties to make a substantial commitment to tobacco control in the lead up to the election, in the interests of all Australians," Dr Haikerwal said.

*See Tobacco Industry Document Gateway website:

30 August 2004

CONTACT: Judith Tokley (02) 6270 5471/(0408) 824 306

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