Media release

AMA submission calls on Government to reverse Budget cuts to mental health services

The AMA today lodged its submission to the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Inquiry into Commonwealth Funding and Administration of Mental Health Services.

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said that the submission provides the Committee with a detailed account of how Budget cuts to the GP mental health Better Access program will severely disadvantage people with mental illness.

“The Government did the right thing by releasing a comprehensive mental health package but seriously undermined its own policy by cutting a program that provides people with quality mental health services and referrals via the local family doctor,” Dr Hambleton said.

“The Budget cuts effectively remove the first point of contact for people seeking mental health care and advice.

“As a result, Medicare is now treating patients with mental illness less favourably than patients with physical ailments.

“The Government acted without consulting the medical profession and ignored the findings of an independent review that declared Better Access a very effective and affordable program.

“Patients will now have to pay more for their care or they may choose to go without.

“Our submission makes a strong case for the Government to reverse its Budget decision and the AMA will continue to raise the issue publicly at every opportunity.

“We have surveyed GPs and they are outraged at the cuts to vital mental health services.  We have collected more than 2000 signatures on a petition protesting the cuts.  We are now calling on the Senate Committee to back our calls to restore important services that are proven to help people with mental illness,” Dr Hambleton said.

Dr Hambleton said there is value in consulting doctors before implementing or changing health policy.

“We have seen poor diabetes care policy without consultation and, more recently, the only GP on the Mental Health Expert Advisory Group resigned over the Better Access cuts.

“But this week there have been clear signals of a new approach from the Government – it took advice from the COAG Expert Panel on hospital reform and the Prime Minister and Health Minister have been publicly stressing the importance of clinical engagement.  The AMA welcomes and encourages this approach and urges a similar outcome on mental health.”

The submission is on the AMA website at


4 August 2011

CONTACT:         John Flannery                       02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

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