Media release

AMA President on the election trail #3

Taree/Laurieton/Port Macquarie - Health services stretched to the limit

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, will travel to Taree, Laurieton and Port Macquarie, on the NSW mid-north coast, this Thursday 11th and Friday 12th October, to visit local hospitals and meet local doctors to discuss the level and standard of medical services in the region.

Dr Phelps said today the medical services on the New South Wales mid-north coast are stretched to the limit, and indicative of the major problems currently confronting the whole Australian health system, doctors and patients.

"The Port Macquarie area is experiencing a desperate shortage of GPs, increasing gap payments for rural patients, ridiculously long waiting times for surgery, neglect of the Medicare rebate concession for rural GPs, and doctors are leaving the area or the profession because of spiralling medical indemnity insurance costs," Dr Phelps said.

"For example, the Camden Haven Medical Centre in Laurieton is applying for 'area of need' classification because of the desperate shortage of doctors in the town.

"I want to hear first hand from the doctors and patients of these areas what they think can be done to improve the local delivery of health services for patients, and the working conditions for doctors.

"I will then make representations to urge the Government and the Opposition to respond accordingly when they release their health policies for the election.

"People want greater funding and resources for their public hospitals and their aged care facilities, and they want doctors to come to their communities and stay there for the longer term. This will require action by the Government to increase Medicare rebates and action by Government to address the medical indemnity crisis," Dr Phelps said.

Contact: Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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