
AMA Position Statement on Private Health Insurance and Primary Care Services

A new AMA Position Statement on Private Health Insurance and Primary Care Services was approved and passed by the AMA Federal Council when it met at AMA National Conference in Adelaide last weekend.

The Position Statement responds to moves by private health insurers to provide preventive health and chronic disease management programs to patients in a primary care setting. It is relevant considering the recent Federal Government decision to allow greater expansion into these areas of care by private health funds.

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today the AMA wants to ensure the relationship between patients and their usual GP is not bypassed or compromised by these new arrangements.

"The AMA believes that primary care services should remain covered by Medicare," Dr Haikerwal said.

"The AMA is prepared to consider limited support to private health insurance cover in certain areas of primary care not currently covered by Medicare, but only where patient care is protected and the existing GP-patient relationship is preserved."

Programs would have to be assessed by the medical profession before they were introduced. The types of programs the AMA may find acceptable would need to be accessed based on a clinical decision by the patient's usual GP. The patient and their doctor would need to agree on a course of action for which the insurer is able to pay a rebate to the patient. The AMA would oppose any situation where a patient's health care would be managed by the insurer.

The AMA also opposes this care being provided through a fundholding system where any other party intervenes between the doctor and the patient, or the patient and the insurer. A recent survey of doctors (Medical Observer 26 May 2006, pg 15) clearly demonstrated that the profession does not believe this is the best way to deliver this type of care.

To view the full AMA Position Statement on Private Health Insurance and Primary Care Services 2006 follow the link.

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