
AMA Position Statement on Primary Health Care

The AMA Federal Council has adopted a Position Statement on Primary Health Care, which was developed by the AMA Council of General Practice (AMACGP) in consultation with grassroots GPs around Australia.

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said the Position Statement sets out practical measures to assist governments to develop sound primary care and general practice policies to ensure patients continue to have access to quality affordable health services.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines primary health care as curative treatment given by the first contact provider along with promotional, preventive and rehabilitative services provided by multi-disciplinary teams of health care professionals working collaboratively.

Primary health care includes health promotion, illness prevention, care of the sick, advocacy, and community development.

Dr Haikerwal said primary health care is the foundation of any health care system, and in Australia general practitioners are integral to the successful delivery of all the elements of primary health care.

"The AMA believes quality primary health care requires a team approach that allows patients to gain access to care from all the health professionals they will encounter in the health system to address their individual health concerns.

"But for patients to benefit from primary health care, there must be a leader and co-ordinator of the care team - and that leader has to be the GP.

"The GP takes overall responsibility for the care of patients who entrust their care to them.

"The GP is their physician, philosopher and friend, as well as being an expert back up for other primary care team members.

"The GP is the only medical professional with the skills to provide holistic care and to provide guidance, advice and coordination through all stages of a patient's care and treatment.

"As some governments consider handing over GP work to other health professionals with variable, distinct and discrete skills, the AMA hopes that this Position Statement will make them contemplate the risks and dangers of a lower quality health system.

"The merits of GP-led medical care are widely documented and benefit patients in all parts of Australia every day.

"We urge all governments to commit to the principles of quality primary health care and acknowledge the key role of GPs in providing and coordinating that care," Dr Haikerwal said.

Follow the link to view the AMA Position Statement on Primary Health Care.

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