Media release

AMA plan to get the 'e-health revolution' started

 AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said today that the Government should concentrate its efforts on delivering the most easily achievable aspects of an electronic medical record in order to get Australia’s much-anticipated ‘e-health revolution’ started.

Dr Pesce said that the AMA has long been a supporter of the Government’s e-health agenda but it is time that people started seeing some results.

"The Government should concentrate all its efforts on getting pathology results, diagnostic imaging results, hospital discharge summaries, and medications dispensed information onto an electronic medical record,” Dr Pesce said.

“This is basic information, yet critical to patient care.  It is currently available in electronic format, but it is not easily or instantly accessible to doctors in all situations when they are providing care for patients.

“If it were possible for doctors to electronically access this patient information in ‘real time’, while protecting patient privacy, a significant amount of the e-health ambition would be realised.

“Over time, other aspects of electronic health records could be developed to fully realise the potential of e-health to improve patient care.

“To be successful, the electronic medical record must be easy to use, support what doctors already do, and be compatible with current clinical practice methods.

“The AMA e-health plan satisfies these criteria and would give e-health in Australia the kick-start it needs," Dr Pesce said.


10 December 2010


CONTACT:                        John Flannery                           02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                        Geraldine Kurukchi                                  02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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