Media release

AMA National Conference 25 May – 27 May 2012


The AMA National Conference 2012 – celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Federal AMA – will be held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Melbourne, from 25-27 May.

Conference highlights include:

Friday 25 May

10.00am            Welcome to Country

                        Official Opening and Address

                        Professor David Haslam
                        President, British Medical Association

10.30am           Policy Session:  Leading for Difference

                        Women in Medicine:  Dr Christine Bennett, Dean of Medicine, University of Notre Dame Sydney; Former Chair, National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission

                         Leading Medical Workforce Development:  The Hon Jim McGinty, Chair, Health Workforce Australia

11.30am           National Health Policy Overview

                        Address by the Minister for Health, The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP

                       Address by Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing, The Hon Peter Dutton MP

2.00pm            Policy Session:  Global Health on our Doorstep

                        Dr Nick Coatsworth, President, Médecins Sans Frontières, Australia

                       Associate Professor Christine Phillips, Social Foundations of Medicine, ANU

                       Benedict David, Principal Sector Specialist, Health, AusAid

4.00pm            President’s Statement

                       AMA Roll of Fellows – New Fellows Inducted

7.30pm            Leadership Development Dinner

                       Keynote Speaker:  Simon McKeon, 2011 Australian of the Year

Saturday 26 May

9.00am             Policy Session:  Health and the Environment

                        Professor Tim Flannery, Chief Climate Commissioner

                        Professor Rob Adams, Director City Design, City of Melbourne

11.00am           Awards ceremony

                       AMA/ACOSH National Tobacco Control Scoreboard Award – for best efforts by governments in tobacco control

                       AMA/ACOSH Dirty Ashtray Award – for worst efforts by governments in tobacco control

                       Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) Award – best original research published in the MJA

2.00pm            Policy Session: Indigenous Health

                       The AMA and Indigenous Health: Progress to date and the challenges that remain – AMA President Dr Steve Hambleton

                       Presentation of the AMA Indigenous People’s Medical Scholarship

2.30pm            Policy Session:  Mental Health: Where to from here?

                       Dr Brian Morton, Chair, AMA Council of General Practice

                       Dr Bill Pring, Private Mental Health Alliance

Sunday 27 May

9.00am             Keynote Address

                        Professor the Lord Darzi of Denham PC KBE, Former Health Minister in the United Kingdom, and Chair of Surgery at St Mary’s Hospital in London

9.45am             Policy sessions


                        Dr Chris Mitchell, Change and Adoption Lead, NEHTA

                        Second speaker (TBC)

                        MBBS vs MD

                        Professor Geoff McColl, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Services, University of Melbourne

                        Dr Rob Marshall, Immediate Past President, AMSA

                        Media wishing to attend the Conference are invited to register by contacting Kirsty Waterford on 02 6270 5464 or 0427 209 753.


3 May 2012


CONTACT:         John Flannery                       02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                        Kirsty Waterford                  02 6270 5464 / 0427 209 753

Media Contacts


 02 6270 5478
 0427 209 753

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