
AMA: More Action Needed on Preventative Health

AMA President Dr Rosanna Capolingua said the Preventative Health Taskforce discussion paper launched today was a welcome contribution, worthy of broad community attention.

"Doctors have long spoken out about the threats obesity, alcohol and tobacco pose to our community. It is encouraging and appropriate that the focus on these crucial areas is increasing," she said.

"Every GP in the country understands the issues.

"As a GP myself, I know most of my time is spent helping patients to live healthier, happier lives, including advice to help them stop smoking, manage their weight and avoid over-indulgence in alcohol," Dr Capolingua said.

"More than 80 percent of Australians see a GP at least once a year. This is clearly a key point of intervention in terms of preventative health - this is the heart of general practice.

Dr Capolingua said the AMA was pleased that the Preventative Health Taskforce had recognised the crucial role GPs play in preventative health by suggesting the introduction of incentive-based funding to support the preventative health care that doctors already deliver.

However, she said the government was sending mixed messages about supporting this vital work.

"GPs are frustrated that the government talks up preventative health with taskforces and reports, while at the same time cutting into GP incentives to deliver," she said.

"For example, immunisation is one of the most successful preventative health measures we have, but in the last budget the government removed a key subsidy for doctors to immunise kids.

"The small incentive payment was axed on 1 October, but a week later the Minister is talking up preventative health.

"Once again, the words just don't match the actions," Dr Capolingua said.

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