
AMA Media Release - Dud Health Idea Threatens Summit

The Australian Medical Association today slammed a proposal to the 2020 Summit that would damage Australia's excellent health system.

The proposal from the CEO of Australian General Practice Network (AGPN), Kate Carnell, is to change the way GP services are funded from 'fee for service' where patients are in charge - to 'fund holding' where the governments are in charge.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said that Ms Carnell's proposal would clearly change the way that health would be delivered in the future.

"This is a failed UK-styled general practice reform which would see patients lose out and governments win," she said.

"This 'fund holding' approach gives incentive for doctors not to see patients and would mean doctors would have to ration care to patients on behalf of the government.

"This ludicrous AGPN proposal is bad for patient care, bad for access and bad for efficiency.

"You haven't seen waiting lists until you see what fund holding does to the health system!"

Dr Capolingua said the proposal does not represent what patients or doctors want.

"This is yet another example that Ms Carnell is clearly out of touch with patient and community needs. Whose idea is it really? Is Ms Carnell a mouthpiece for government?"

"If this is the best idea that's going in to the 2020 Health Summit, there better be better ones coming out," Dr Capolingua said.

The AMA is urging doctors to contact the CEO of the government-funded AGPN to protest on behalf of their patients.

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