Media release

AMA launches petition to urge Government to restore funding for GP mental health services

The AMA today launched an online petition as part of its campaign to convince the Government to restore funding for GP mental health services through Medicare under the Better Access Program.

The Government slashed more than $400 million from the Program in the May Budget.

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that, from November, Medicare patient rebates for GP mental health services will be cut by 50 per cent.

“The cuts will affect vulnerable patients and make access to vital GP services less affordable,” Dr Hambleton said.

“People with mental illness will either have to pay more to see their family doctor for vital mental health care, advice and referrals, or they may be forced to stop seeing their doctor altogether.

“Medicare will now treat people with mental illness less favourably than people with a physical ailment, with rebates for GP Mental Health Plans dropping to between 10 per cent and 50 per cent lower than GP Management Plans for other chronic illness.

“Mental illness affects everyone in some way.  Almost half the Australian population has experienced mental illness at some stage in their life, and one in five Australian adults experience mental illness in any one year.

“People trust their family doctors and the established doctor-patient relationship is key to achieving positive mental health outcomes.

“The AMA is urging individuals and families affected by mental illness to sign this petition to support our campaign to have the Government restore funding to local GP mental health services in the community,” Dr Hambleton said.

An independent review of the Better Access Program conducted by the Centre for Health Policy and Programs concluded that the program:

  • improved patient access to mental health services;
  • achieved positive outcomes for patients with mental illness;
  • provided affordable access to GP mental health services, with little or no out-of-pocket costs; and
  • was cost effective.

The petition is being circulated to the AMA’s 27,000 members, their patients, and to the general public, and can be found on the AMA website at


7 July 2011

CONTACT:         John Flannery                       02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

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