
AMA informs MPs of GP shortages

AMA President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, has today written to all Federal MPs and Senators calling for an urgent national review of GP shortages to develop policies to secure a sustainable GP workforce and accessible health services for all Australians wherever they live and whatever their means.

Dr Phelps has sent the politicians a copy of the AMA/Access Economics GP Workforce analysis, which indicates Australia today has an overall shortage of between 1000 and 2000 GPs.

This number is expected to grow rapidly unless steps are taken now to train enough GPs and make it attractive for them to locate for the long-term in areas of health need, particularly in regional and outer-suburban Australia.

"The policies of successive governments have made general practice a less attractive career option for doctors," Dr Phelps said.

"They have restricted the number of GP trainees and, as a result, working conditions for GPs have become increasingly unsatisfactory.

"We need a plan to build the right GP workforce - in numbers and distribution - to cater for the health needs of this and future generations of Australians.

"At the moment, the training and the incentives are just not there.

"A range of options needs to be considered, including:

Reviewing the number of medical students and GP training places

Providing higher Medicare rebates for low-income patient groups

Schemes to attract and retain GPs in areas of need, and

Development of specific programs for low income and rural areas.

"The AMA hopes that by properly informing all Federal politicians from all the parties we will see some action in addressing an emerging major health problem," Dr Phelps said.

The AMA's GP Workforce campaign complements the AMA's GP Campaign Network 2002, whereby grassroots GPs keep their local politicians and communities and media informed of pressing health issues.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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