
AMA: Government Adds A Smokescreen To Health Debate

AMA President Dr Rosanna Capolingua today agreed with Health Minister Nicola Roxon's call for patients to be made fully aware of all charges where possible prior to agreeing to medical services.

But Dr Capolingua said it was a smokescreen for the real problem.

"Telling patients about any out of pocket cost is important. We are absolutely committed to ensuring this is done. We've had a long-term policy of ensuring financial consent. Levels of informed financial consent are high and complaints are low. It is the extent of the out of pocket cost that is the central issue to our patients," she said.

"Household medical costs have increased by 528 percent in the past 20 years. Doctors have shouldered more than their share of the rapidly rising costs of high quality care, with fees barely keeping pace with increases in average weekly earnings.

"So patients and doctors have shared the burden - but government has not. While costs have been increasing the Government rebate for patients has reduced in real terms by 31 percent over the past 20 years.

"Successive governments have passed the cost to patients - and the blame to doctors. It's time to stop passing the buck and commit to the real issue of government adequately funding patient care."

Practice managers agree. The National President of the Australian Association of Practice Managers, Marina Fulcher, says practice managers make every effort to ensure patients know the full cost of all services.

"But patients ask 'why has my government rebate fallen so far behind the cost of the service?' It's a good question that deserves an answer."

Increase in Average Weekly Earnings vs MBS

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