
AMA: Food Labels, Junk Food Ad Bans To Help Australia Slim Down

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, today said doctors were keen to work with the Government to combat Australia's growing obesity problem.

"A new report shows that Australia has become the fattest nation on earth, and we need to take immediate action to change that," Dr Capolingua said.

"The Government is starting to do the right thing in trying to help Australia lose weight, and we're right behind them.

"We must now aggressively tackle this problem on a number of fronts, with tangible, concrete strategies that strike at the causes of obesity and help reverse the growing trend."

Front-of-pack "traffic light" food labelling should be mandated to help Australians to make informed, healthy food choices, Dr Capolingua said.

"Compulsory simple colour-coded labels that clearly state the sugar, fat, and salt content of food would take the confusion out of choosing food, and help Australians change their diet for the better," she said.

"Restrictions on advertising junk food to children is another tangible way in which the Government can head off Australia's growing obesity problem.

"This has been demonstrated internationally to impact on the way young people eat."

Combating obesity required a community-wide approach, including governments, non-government organisations, the food industry, the media, employers, schools and community organisations.

"Another important step forward is for the Government to set real targets for halting the increase in obesity and preventing children and young people from becoming overweight and obese," Dr Capolingua said.

"Of course, seeing your doctor regularly is an important part of the solution for individuals battling a weight problem."

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