
AMA Federal Budget Submission 2006-07

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today the Federal Government has a unique opportunity with the 2006-07 Federal Budget to introduce simple and affordable initiatives to equip the health system to cater to the health needs of an ageing population and the most disadvantaged in the community, including Indigenous Australians.

The AMA lodged its submission on 11 November, in keeping with the deadline set by Treasurer Peter Costello.

Dr Haikerwal said that building on the strengths of the Australian health system is a priority and would be a responsible investment of some of the Government's $13.5 billion budget surplus.

"Spending on health must be looked upon as an investment in the future and prosperity of the nation, not a cost," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Australia is facing some interesting challenges in the years ahead as we seek to reconcile available health resources with high and rising expectations, an ageing population, and a growing burden of chronic disease.

"We need to make strategic new investments in the health workforce and health programs that will lift our performance in preventative health, make our national health spending more effective, and improve the health of all Australians.

"The AMA has identified obesity as a national crisis and is calling for a National Nutrition Centre to provide a focus for policy, research and education in the battle against obesity, especially in younger Australians.

"We have also highlighted the need for considerable increased funding in the areas of mental health and Indigenous health, and for our public hospitals.

"The other key area for action is the medical workforce and our submission sets out specific affordable initiatives to train, retain and support doctors and their practices.

"We hope the Government will seriously consider our budget submission in the interests of providing better health services for patients and communities for the long term," Dr Haikerwal said.

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