
AMA Congratulates the Flying Doctors on 80 Years of Saving Lives

The Australian Medical Association today congratulated The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) on 80 years of providing emergency and primary health care to people in the bush.

The RFDS celebrates its 80th anniversary tomorrow. (Saturday 17 May)

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said that without the extensive health care network flown in by the RFDS, much of outback and rural Australia would be left exposed.

"We all know that there is a dire shortage of medical services in regional and rural Australia. The Royal Flying Doctor Service should be congratulated on its unerring commitment to alleviate the isolation of people living, working and travelling in the bush.

"The RFDS rescues people in remote Australia on a daily basis. It is up to government to ensure that the Royal Flying Doctor Service in each state have secure and adequate funding in order to continue to provide this essential service.

"With advances in medicine, aviation and communication, the spirit of the outback lives on thanks to the vital services of the Flying Doctors and their teams," she said.

The RFDS is the first, largest and most comprehensive aeromedical organisation in the world.

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