
AMA condemns Medicare Safety Net "Fiddle"

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, said today the AMA would work with the Government to identify and caution doctors who use creative accounting to personally benefit from the Medicare safety net - a system designed to support the neediest patients.

It was reported in the Melbourne Herald Sun today that some medical specialists were manipulating their fees and patients costs so they get paid more for certain procedures and the patient pays less  - but taxpayers get slugged with a bigger bill.

Dr Glasson said he is appalled that some doctors would stoop so low to fiddle the system to take taxpayer money that was meant to support the sickest and poorest people in the community.

"We will put an end to this rort," Dr Glasson said.

"Our understanding is that only a very small number of doctors are involved, but even one doctor is too many.

"A few greedy people are spoiling the system for all doctors and patients and the community.

"The safety net is a crucial part of Medicare that protects the chronically ill, families with young kids, and pensioners and low-income earners.

"The AMA will work with the Government to stop this practice and to close any loopholes that allow these unprincipled acts to occur," Dr Glasson said.

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