
AMA Commends Carers

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today commended the magnificent work performed by Australia's carers who are the glue that holds together the nation's health and social service systems.

Dr Haikerwal said that Carers Week 2006 is a fitting time for all Australians to say thanks to the millions of committed and compassionate individuals who every day provide help to people who cannot always help themselves, be they family members, friends or total strangers.

"On behalf of AMA members and others in the medical profession, I say thanks to all carers, many of whom work very closely with GPs on a daily basis, especially in aged care and mental health.

"Their tireless and dedicated work caring for others is sadly often ignored.

"It is important that we as a community actively recognise and support the work of carers and not take them for granted.

"They need access to flexibility at work and encouragement to look after their own health. Too often they neglect their own wellbeing while focused on the people in their care.

"Their commitment to helping others can also lead them to financial and emotional hardship or disadvantage, while the system as a whole takes advantage of their sacrifice.

"Young carers, in particular, can suffer through neglect of studies or career progress. Their hard work and determination, usually in caring for their own family, should not get in the way of or slow down their own life prospects. They must be supported in having choices for their own futures.

"Governments must continue to recognise the crucial role played by carers in our community and support them accordingly.

"A priority would be greater access to respite care through the establishment of new respite centres where carers can place the people in their care for a weekend or few days to give themselves a break and the opportunity to recharge their batteries.

"People forget that being a carer is a full time job - 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

"It may be unpaid but it abounds in emotional capital, and this is what keeps these hardworking generous Australians going," Dr Haikerwal said.

In 2003, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, more than 2.5 million Australians (13 per cent of the total population) were unpaid carers. Of these, 170,000 (6.6 per cent) were under 18 years of age.

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