Media release

AMA calls for moratorium on cuts to GP mental health services

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, has today written to Health Minister Nicola Roxon calling for a moratorium on the Government’s Budget cuts to GP mental health services under the Better Access program, which are due to commence from 1 November.

The AMA has been actively campaigning against the cuts since Budget night in May and has gained the support of GPs, mental health experts, and the families of people with mental illness.

Dr Hambleton said that the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee – which received more than 1000 submissions – is currently looking into the Government’s handling of mental health services and is not due to report until 20 October.

“This leaves very little time for serious consideration of the Senate Committee report,” Dr Hambleton said.

“We know that the Committee has been receiving a lot of complaints about the cuts from a range of people and organisations highly regarded in the mental health sector.

“The Committee knows that the cuts are unpopular and that many people with mental illness will be severely disadvantaged by not being able to access quality services through their local GP.

“The Government cannot sweep this evidence under the carpet.

“The Government must seriously consider the final report from the Senate Committee and listen to the protests from the community about these cuts.

“Ten days is not enough.

“The Minister must defer the implementation of the changes to the Better Access program until at least 1 November 2012 to allow proper consideration of the compelling evidence against the cuts.

“This should be enough time for the Government to acknowledge the error of its ways and restore the Better Access funding,” Dr Hambleton said.

Independent research commissioned by the AMA found that 85 per cent of GPs believe the Better Access cuts will reduce patient access to quality mental health services.



29 September 2011

CONTACT:          John Flannery                    02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

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