
AMA Calls for Mandatory Reporting of Elder Abuse

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today that there should be mandatory reporting of elder abuse committed by residential aged care staff.

The AMA's call comes amid new revelations in the media today of failure to report alleged sex abuse against elderly residents.

Dr Haikerwal said it was disappointing that this week's meeting of the Aged Care Advisory Committee - at which the AMA representative voted for mandatory reporting - did not unanimously support mandatory reporting of abuse within the residential aged care sector.

Dr Haikerwal said the Committee made some strong and positive recommendations but the overall outcome didn't go far enough to meet community or resident expectations.

"Residential aged care residents, and their families, would have taken greater comfort if there had been a commitment to seek mandatory reporting of identified abuse of older people," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Any consideration of mandatory reporting of elder abuse in residential aged care should begin with the premise that older people are competent adults and their rights should be protected.

"There needs to be an agreed principle of mandatory reporting within the sector. Other initiatives like improved police checks on staff and better administrative processes would flow from there.

"A united stance from the aged care sector on mandatory reporting would give Minister for Ageing, Senator Santo Santoro, a much stronger submission to take to Cabinet.

"It would send a very clear message to older Australians and their families that action is being taken to protect them.

"It would also send a warning to staff, and others, that elder abuse will not be tolerated and it will be reported to authorities.

"Horrific incidents of elder abuse are, thankfully, isolated events, but they tarnish an otherwise high quality industry.

"We have a very good residential aged care sector in Australia. Every effort must be made to stamp out any activities that harm residents and detract from that reputation."

Dr Haikerwal said there also needs to be serious discussion about Government funding to assist residential aged care providers introduce enhanced training, education and compliance systems.

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