
AMA Best Advocate for GPs, Say GPs

GPs overwhelmingly think the AMA is the organisation best equipped to advocate on their behalf for a better health system, according to a recent national survey.

More than 50 per cent of GPs who responded to the survey conducted by Medical Observer magazine said the AMA policy statement for the Federal election 'most closely represents the needs of the Australian health system'.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said the survey clearly shows that the AMA is the best advocate for Australia's GPs and their patients.

"Over 50 per cent of GPs think our election priorities best represent the needs and challenges facing health care in Australia," Dr Capolingua said.

"GPs value the strong independent voice of the AMA and our determination in campaigning for a good, workable health system that allows doctors to easily provide the care their patients need.

"This survey reinforces that AMA policies reflect the grassroots experience of GPs.

"Support for patient rebates and the reduction in red tape in the MBS, and the central issues of workforce shortages, better funding for aged care services, and funding to train and support more doctors in general practice are crucial issues for GPs.

"The AMA policy agenda is what GPs want to hear," Dr Capolingua said.

In the Medical Observer survey of GP attitudes to the election policy statements released by the major GP representative groups, 50.7 per cent of GPs nominated the AMA's policy document the best by far.

This was followed by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners at 31.3 per cent, the Australian General Practice Network at 9.3 per cent, and the Rural Doctors Association of Australia at 8.7 per cent.

Dr Capolingua said if political parties wanted to win the GP vote this election, they should consult the AMA.

The AMA's Key Health Issues for the 2007 Federal Election can be viewed online at

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