
AMA Backs Red Cross Blood Service Campaign for More Blood Donors

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today urged more Australians to donate blood and donate it regularly to meet Australia's growing demand for blood.

Dr Haikerwal said the AMA strongly supports the Australian Red Cross Blood Service's 4 Seasons campaign, which is designed to raise the number of Australian blood donors and increase the number of times these donors give blood each year.

"Blood donors save lives," Dr Haikerwal said.

"Demand for blood will increase by more than 120 per cent over the next decade, so we need to at least double the blood donation rate if Australia is to have a self-sufficient blood supply.

"Every Australian family will have a family member or friend or acquaintance who will need blood one day, so we must spread the message of the benefits of being a blood donor.

"Donating blood and a little bit of time four times a year brings great rewards, mainly the knowledge that your blood will save the life or enhance the life of another person.

"The AMA will be calling on all its members to sign up to the 4 Seasons campaign, and will promote blood donation at every opportunity.

"We wish the Australian Red Cross Blood Service every success with this campaign - the health of Australia depends upon it," Dr Haikerwal said.

To become a blood donor, visit call 13 14 95.

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