Media release

AMA appoints Chief Information Officer

The Australian Medical Association has appointed a Chief Information Officer.

Ms Jane Dooley will be based in the Federal office of the AMA in Canberra to develop a strategy that aims to streamline AMA processes and expand the range of online services available to all members.

"The key to a successful IT and e-strategy is an integrated organisation-wide approach combined with the right partnerships that can truly value-add for members," Ms Dooley said.

"In the competitive online environment where sustainable competitive advantage is everything, mutually exclusive IT and business strategies are no longer viable for organisations, and increasingly, the IT strategy underpins the business strategy.

"The AMA is active in keeping pace with technology developments to keep its 27,000 members informed on a range of issues, including Government's e-health agenda and the benefits and pitfalls for doctors of implementing automated systems, to name a few," Ms Dooley said.

Ms Dooley has spent more than ten years in the IT industry. She has worked in the private and public sectors with a variety of information management and technology responsibilities - in the areas of software, hardware and manufacture, as well as industry and strategy development.

Ms Dooley can be contacted at email address

CONTACT: Sarah Bucknell (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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