Media release

AMA applauds progress on child abuse prevention

The AMA congratulated Family Services Minister Jenny Macklin and Professor Fiona Stanley, Chair of the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, on the launch today of a major report that will enhance the delivery of child protection services throughout Australia.

Launched in Melbourne, the report Inverting the Pyramid, aims to both recognise the pressures on current child protection services and focus on the changes that are needed to improve those services.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said the report properly focuses on the fact that it is not just governments that have responsibility for child protection across the community. The non-government sector has a big role to play.

“That’s why we need to develop an integrated and consistent approach to dealing effectively with child abuse and neglect,” Dr Capolingua said.

“Doctors are in a prime position to identify signs of abuse and neglect. Development of clear, comprehensive supports and referral pathways can help ensure the early intervention that is so vital in these cases.

“The AMA values the opportunity to be a key member of the ARACY Taskforce being announced today to foster a common preventative approach to children and families at risk. We look forward to taking a leadership role in finding real solutions.

“Child abuse and neglect are blights on our communities. Abuse is replicated over the generations, so early intervention not only helps the individual but delivers ongoing long-term benefits to families and entire communities.

“It’s a sad fact than not every Australian child receives the love, support and protection they need. This program puts the spotlight on abuse and neglect and strives to provide real world solutions to a problem that has proved all too enduring. 

“The AMA is very pleased to be an active partner.”

28 April 2009

CONTACT: Kirk Coningham 0417 142 467

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