Media release

AMA applauds elevation of Mental Health and Ageing to Cabinet level

The AMA applauds today’s decision to appoint the Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Mark Butler, to Cabinet, and adding Social Inclusion to his portfolio.

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said that mental health and ageing are key areas of the health portfolio that deserve the attention and advocacy of a Cabinet Minister.

“There is a lot of unfinished business in mental health and aged care and many conflicting views about the way ahead in both areas,” Dr Hambleton said.

“With an ageing population and greater awareness and understanding of mental illness, the community is calling out for more funding and resources in both sectors.

“It is significant that the Minister has Social Inclusion as part of his responsibilities.

“It will be an important factor in how the Minister responds to the many demands across his portfolio, especially as Australia and the world face tougher economic circumstances.”

Dr Hambleton said that the AMA would seek an early meeting with the Minister to discuss a range of issues, especially mental health funding arrangements for patients seeing GPs under the Better Access program in the first instance.

12 December 2011


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