
AMA Announces New President

Dr William Glasson, a 50-year-old Brisbane opthalmologist, was today elected Federal AMA President.

Dr Glasson won the top job following a five-sided contest, which was decided at the AMA's national conference in Sydney today.

As an AMA Federal Councillor for the past three years Dr Glasson has been active in medical politics, particularly medical indemnity and indigenous health.

He has been involved in the Queensland State AMA for 8 years and was State president from 2001-2002.

Dr Glasson has served on the AMA's Federal Council since 2000 as Federal Councillor for Queensland and then as representative for the opthalmologists craft group.

Other presidential nominees were Northern Territory paediatrician Dr Paul Bauert, Tasmanian GP Dr John Davis, Adelaide gynaecologist and obstetrician Dr Trevor Mudge, and Victorian gynaecologist Dr Michael Sedgley.

Dr Glasson is married with three children.

Also elected were:

Vice President

Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, a Melbourne General Practitioner

Chairman of Council

Dr Dana Wainwright, a Brisbane Physician


Dr Allan Zimet, a Melbourne Oncologist

A copy of Dr Glasson's CV is attached.

CONTACT: John Flannery (0419) 494 761

Judith Tokley (0408) 824 306

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