
AMA and RDAA Call On Prime Minister For Independent Inquiry Into Impact Of Trade Practices Act On Country Doctors

The President of the AMA, Dr Kerryn Phelps, and the President of the RDAA, Dr David Mildenhall, have today written to the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Treasurer and the Health Minister calling for an independent inquiry into the impact of the Trade Practices Act (TPA) on country doctors.

Dr Phelps said the ACCC's application of the TPA would have a negative impact on the current and future recruitment and retention of doctors in rural Australia.

"The ACCC is refusing to acknowledge the special circumstances that apply to the provision of medical services in country areas," Dr Phelps said.

"Virtually every conceivable business arrangement between country doctors may be subject to scrutiny by the ACCC.

"This is unrealistic and unacceptable.

"The ACCC clearly has an attitude problem when it comes to doctors, but the AMA will not sit back and allow the TPA to threaten the provision of important medical services in country towns or the livelihood of the doctors themselves.

"It is time for an independent inquiry into the TPA and its impact on country doctors.

"We look forward to a positive response from the Government on this matter," Dr Phelps said.

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