
AMA acknowledges climate change impact on human health

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, said today that the AMA has adopted a formal position on Climate Change and Health, which acknowledges that global climate change will have a major negative effect on human health.

The AMA Federal Council endorsed the AMA Position Statement on Climate Change and Health at its meeting in Brisbane this morning.

Dr Glasson said the effects of climate change and global warming are already being felt around the world and in Australia.

"If developed nations like Australia do not respond dramatically to the challenges of climate change, there is no doubt we will see a major impact on human health and quality of life," Dr Glasson said.

"The AMA has identified genuine health concerns and we want our Position Statement to be a positive and credible contribution to the global warming debate.

"As a wealthy developed industrial nation, Australia is a significant contributor to greenhouse emissions.

"But we are also in a better position than many countries to respond to the threats posed by those emissions and we must do all possible to minimise those emissions.

"We should be showing some leadership on this issue and set an example to other nations.

"A good example would be for Australia to follow Russia's decision earlier this week and ratify the Kyoto protocol.

"Scientists say the global impact of climate change is difficult to predict and measure, but they are clear on one thing - the economic and ecological costs will be huge and the potential negative impact on public health is very real.

"Even minor changes in climactic conditions in our region of the world will have extreme consequences.  We face increased mortality rates from existing diseases and an increase in heat related illness. We could also see a change in patterns of disease transmission," Dr Glasson said.

The AMA Position Statement outlines the potential health impact of climate change in Australia, including temperature extremes; extreme weather; water- and food-borne diseases; vector-borne and rodent-borne diseases; food and water shortages; and population displacement.

A copy of the Position Statement is available on the AMA's website at

CONTACT:         Judith Tokley             (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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