
AMA 16th National Conference - Speech by AMA President Dr Bill Glasson to Open First Plenary Session, The Great Health Policy Debate - Abbott vs Gillard, Sheraton Brisbane

**Check Against Delivery

Ladies and Gentlemen...

Welcome to the First Plenary Session of AMA National Conference 2004.

This year we have something very special for you.

In this election year, we have brought together two of the key protagonists in the upcoming campaign.

I'm pleased to welcome Federal Health Minister, Tony Abbott, and his opposite number, the Shadow Health Minister, Julia Gillard.

You've heard of the Thriller in Manila.

Well today we bring you the Barney in Brisbane.

But first a few words about each of our speakers.

Tony Abbott was elected Member for Warringah in Sydney at a1994 by-election.

He has served as:

  • Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs
  • Minister for Employment Services
  • Minister for Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business
  • And Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Leader of the House and Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service.

Tony was appointed Minister for Health and Ageing in October last year.

A former press secretary to former Federal Opposition Leader, John Hewson, Tony is a prominent monarchist who led Australians for Constitutional Monarchy in 1993 and 1994.

He is a Rhodes Scholar who has worked as a journalist for The Bulletin and The Australian, and was once a Plant Manager for Pioneer Concrete.

I'll stay clear of the cement shoes jokes.

A big welcome to Tony Abbott.

Julia Gillard was born in Wales and moved to Australia with her family in 1966.

Julia grew up in South Australia where her father worked as a nurse and her mother worked in the kitchen of an aged care institution.

She was elected the Member for Lalor in Melbourne in 1998.

She has served as:

  • Shadow Minister for Population and Immigration
  • And Shadow Minister for Reconciliation and Youth Affairs.

Julia was appointed Shadow Health Minister in July last year.

She got her grounding working in waitressing and secretarial jobs to get through Uni, before making a name for herself in student politics.

A solicitor by profession, Julia specialised in industrial law and became a partner with Slater and Gordon in 1990.

She served as Chief of Staff to then Victorian Opposition Leader, John Brumby, for three years before entering Parliament.

Please welcome Julia Gillard.

Let me say that I have a lot of time and respect for both Tony and Julia.

They are both highly intelligent, and full of energy and commitment, and are a credit to their respective sides of politics.

Above all, they are great listeners.

In my dealings with the both of them, we may not always agree on things but they have the decency to listen to what we have to say.

To me, this is the sign of a good politician.

To me, this is the sign of a decent human being.

The health portfolio is in very good hands with Tony Abbott and Julia Gillard, and I thank them personally for being with us today.

The man with the tough job of convening this debate is a man well known to many of you - Dr Norman Swan.

Dr Swan is the producer and presenter of the Health Report on ABC Radio National.

I find it hard to believe that, for a man who looks so young, Norman first started broadcasting with the ABC way back in 1982.

There is nothing that Dr Norman Swan doesn't know about health and the Australian health system.

He won't give the speakers an inch today.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Dr Norman Swan to explain the rules and get the Great Health Debate started.

Thank you.

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