
AMA 16th National Conference 2004 - MJA/Wyeth Award

AMA President, Dr Bill Glasson, today presented the MJA/Wyeth Award with Dr Michael Lee, Medical Director of Wyeth Australia to the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO).

This award honours the authors of the best original research paper submitted to the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) during 2003, and is judged by an independent panel of medical research experts.

The Journal's Content Review Committee has awarded the prize for 2003 to Dr Sophie Couzos, Mr Traven Lea, Dr Reinhold Mueller, Professor Richard Murray, and Ms Margaret Culbong on behalf of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), Deakin ACT, for their research paper, "Effectiveness of ototopical antibiotics for chronic suppurative otitis media in Aboriginal children: a community-based, multicentre, double-blind randomised controlled trial", published in The Medical Journal of Australia in August last year.

"Their research involved a randomised control trial into the effectiveness of antibiotics in Aboriginal children with otitis media," Dr Glasson said. 

"Although the immediate focus is the clinical outcome of their research, what is also important is that their research demonstrates that randomised control trials, which are always logistic nightmares, can be conducted in Aboriginal communities if the ownership belongs to these communities, and collaborating partners are Aboriginal organisations such as NACCHO.

"Otitis media is largely a preventable problem, but remains a scourge of Aboriginal children.  Its wake leaves hearing problems which have social, educational, and employment implications."

The research team looked at exploring the efficacy of ototopical ciprofloxan compared with traditional topical aminoglycoside antibiotics.  They found ciprofloxan was more effective, and recommend that it be considered as front line treatment.

Dr Glasson acknowledged Wyeth's continuing commitment in promoting excellence in Australian clinical research through the prestigious MJA/Wyeth prize.

CONTACT:     John Flannery (0419) 494 761
                   Judith Tokley  (0408) 824 306

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