
Alliance calls for action on drugs and mental health

The AMA, as a member of a national alliance of public health organisations, today called on all political parties to take a holistic approach to addressing substance misuse, mental health promotion and suicide prevention.

AMA Federal President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said the alliance has published an election document calling for policy and funding action as a national priority. The alliance's Federal Election Statement - Substance Misuse, Mental Health and Suicide: Priorities for the Federal Election and Beyond 2001 - recommends a three-pronged approach to key health issues, namely:

1 increased investment in preventing the misuse of drugs;

2 increased investment in treating substance misuse; and

3 increased investment in suicide prevention.

The alliance reiterates its call for an additional $245 million a year to fund the unmet need in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health services. This is based on the needs based funding formula of research undertaken by Professor John Deeble (Deeble Report 2000).

The alliance statement details strategies for the Government to act in the areas of:

Health, Social and Economic Inequalities;

Preventing the Misuse of Drugs; Preventing Suicide;

Expanding Drug Treatment Services;

Addressing priority health issues in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities; and

Supporting the Drug and Mental Health Sectors

Joining the AMA in the alliance are Action on Smoking and Health, Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia, Australian Association of Social Workers, Australian Council of Social Service, National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, National Indigenous Substance Misuse Council, National Rural Health Alliance, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Public Health Association of Australia, and Suicide Prevention Australia.

See the alliance's Federal Election Statement here


10 September 2001

CONTACT: Sarah Crichton (02) 6270 5472 / (0419) 440 076

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