
All doctors practising in Australia must have proper qualifications and competencies - AMA

Chair of the AMA Federal Council, Dr Dana Wainwright, today called on the Queensland Government to release a report that is understood to question the competencies of some overseas trained doctors practising in Australia.

Dr Wainwright said it is vital that any doubts about the quality, safety and standards of medical practice be made public to ensure that patients have confidence about their medical care.

"Questions have been raised in Queensland this week about incidents involving overseas trained orthopaedic surgeons," Dr Wainwright said.

"These incidents and others are reportedly contained in a Queensland Health report.  The report must be made public and any deficiencies addressed.

"With Australia experiencing a serious medical workforce shortage, overseas doctors are needed to meet patient demand and reduce waiting times for surgery.

"But the systems must be in place to ensure that suitable supervision, support and mentoring of doctors recruited from overseas is available, especially in situations where there are language and cultural difficulties.

"Overseas trained doctors play an important role in patient care in Australia, and have done so for many years.

"They must be assisted to meet the standards rightly expected by the community, but the standards must never be allowed to be lowered.

"We cannot have a system where doctors - local or imported - are put in a position where they may have to perform beyond their level of competence.  It is unfair to the doctors and unfair to the communities they serve.

"Let's have a look at the report and fix any problems that may be there," Dr Wainwright said.

Dr Wainwright said the AMA has been working closely with the Federal Government on securing a solution to the long-running medical indemnity crisis.  It is incumbent on everyone - governments, hospitals and doctors - to provide the highest possible levels of quality and safety of health care.

"It is vitally important, too, that long-term solutions to the medical workforce shortages are put in place by Government immediately.  The draconian unfunded bonded medical school places they are currently pushing are not the way to go," Dr Wainwright said.

CONTACT:         Dr Dana Wainwright  (0418) 876 747

                       John Flannery                       (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

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