Media release

Alcopops tax good first step but broader measures needed

The AMA told the Australian Senate today that reversing the alcopops tax would be a retrograde step.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said the AMA supported the tax in the context of broader measures to address harmful drinking, particularly among young people.

“Consistent with our stand from the outset, we know that price signals have an effect on consumption, and the alcopops tax is a first step in reducing the consumption of alcohol among young people,” she said.

“It is not the solution, but it is a useful first step in the right direction. The very fact that we have had this debate about the alcopops tax has raised the awareness of the dangers of binge drinking, alcohol consumption in young people and the fact that the government has to be involved in a comprehensive solution. 

“Excessive drinking at a young age has inherent risk at the time and also leads to long-term alcohol consumption habits and the risk of alcohol related disease. This is largely preventable.

“Raising the price makes these drinks less affordable, particularly to younger people.

“This must be part of extending a full volumetric tax on alcoholic beverages; that is taxation based on alcohol content. This will reduce the risk of substituting alcopops with even stronger drinks.”

Attending the Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into the tax today, Dr Capolingua said tax alone would not stop risky drinking.

“We need a sustained strategy of alcohol harm reduction, including rigorous data collection, prevention measures addressing alcohol marketing and advertising, labelling, education and early intervention as a matter of urgency.”

10 March 2009

CONTACT: Kirk Coningham    02 6270 5477 / 0417 142 467

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