Media release

Alcopops revenue should be for advertising buy-back trial

The AMA recommends that the money raised by the failed alcopops tax should be spent on a trial buy-back to reduce alcohol advertising in sport.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said handing the money, $340 million in total, back to the liquor industry made no sense.

“This money should be put to good use. It could fund a carefully evaluated trial where government buys back advertising space that would otherwise be used by alcohol marketers during sporting events – particularly at times when children are watching.

“The impact of alcohol advertising in sport is real. We need to break the connection between the Australian celebration of sport and healthy sporting role models and alcohol.

“A government buy-back was part of the strategy that banned cigarette advertising in sport. This had an impact on changing the culture around tobacco. Let’s do the same for alcohol.

“A properly funded long-term trial could have a significant impact on turning around the culture of drinking in Australia, and help to reduce the negative effects and health risks of binge drinking and alcohol abuse for current and future generations of Australians.

“Alcohol abuse can seriously damage young bodies. It can set young people up for a lifetime of health problems.

“Recent data show that alcohol was the risk factor responsible for the greatest burden of disease and injury in Australian males under the age of 45. Alcohol is the second largest cause of drug-related deaths and hospitalisations in Australia (after tobacco) and accounts for 13 percent of all deaths among 14-17 year old Australians.

“It’s been estimated that one Australian teenager dies, and more than 60 are hospitalised, every week from alcohol-related causes. These aren’t just statistics – these are real people, real families, real communities.”

Dr Capolingua said the Government should seize every opportunity to reduce alcohol abuse.

“Surely we can’t just hand this money back to the liquor industry to potentially re-invest in marketing activity designed to increase the consumption of alcohol in Australia?”

25 March 2009

CONTACT: Kirk Coningham 0417 142 467

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