
AIHW Report on General Practice Activity 2001-2002: a little more conversation, a little less prescribing

EMBARGO: 1.00 am, Thursday 5 December 2002

The AMA welcomes the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) Report - General Practice Activity in Australia 2001-02 - which shows that Australia's dedicated GPs are prescribing responsibly and spending more time counselling their patients.

Chair of the AMA Council of General Practice, Dr David Rivett, said today that this report complements a September 2002 AIHW report that indicated the average GP consultation is around 15 minutes.

"This report should put to rest some of the furphies put about by some people, including the Health Minister and the Health Department, that GPs 'over-prescribe and practise 6-minute medicine'," Dr Rivett said.

"In fact, the Government's policy to slash the PBS in this year's Budget was based on the wrong and offensive assumption that doctors were prescribing first and talking later, while enjoying the largesse of the pharmaceutical companies.

"The AIHW report is proof that doctors' prescribing practices are responsible and that there is a growing trend towards talking more to patients and encouraging preventative health measures like more exercise and better diet.

"The Report shows an increase in the trend towards counselling and lifestyle advice from 6.4 per 100 encounters to 8.1 per 100 encounters since 1998-99. The Report also shows that GPs manage more than one problem per consultation (at a rate of 143 problems per 100 encounters).

"Significantly, and at odds with the Government line, there was a marked decrease in the total medications offered to patients.

"Australia's GPs are working harder than ever before under unprecedented stress and pressure due to doctor shortages, excessive red tape, inadequate MBS patient rebates and spiralling practice costs, including medical indemnity.

"It is time the Government started producing policies that support GPs and their patients, rather than blaming them for a succession of failed health policies," Dr Rivett said.

The GP demographic trends outlined in the AIHW Report reflect the findings of the AMA/Access Economics GP Workforce Report released earlier this year.

CONTACT: John Flannery (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761

Judith Tokley (02) 6270 5471 / (0408) 824 306

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